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Is it cool to make fake Facebook profiles using your ex girlfriend's pictures? - Printable Version

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Is it cool to make fake Facebook profiles using your ex girlfriend's pictures? - David - 11-09-2012 05:04 PM

So I hate my ex girlfriend and all of the mind games she played with me so I downloaded every photo of her that she posted on Facebook and made fake Facebook profiles using it. I think it is cool and hilarious to make fake profiles using my ex girlfriend's pictures. Is it cool to make fake profiles using my ex girlfriend's pictures ???

- oh - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM


- Andrea - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

No, it's just lame and immature.

- Alex - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

not to be a buzzkill but that is fraud its illegal and if you do anything to embarrass her it can be even worse....but i still do similar im a computer......... programmer Wink

- ranjan k - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

Wait till your ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend finds out about you.

- Candie - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

No, that means your being a *** . that means your trying to threat her and making her more hurt. Plus you can get in trouble if you make fake profile pictures, and no lie it affects on your college degree, so that means they won't let you have a job if you do this kind of crap on her. Plus, what's the point of doing this to your ex, she's not in your life anymore, she's from the past. Shes not gonna be in your future anymore I hope but that doesn't mean you don't need to talk crap on this girl if your gonna. Don't make fake profiles with her pictures, she's gonna find out and she might know that your the one that did it. 3 reasons why it's NOT cool,
1.It's wrong
2. It's gonna hurt her, and it will be your fault.
3. It makes you an ***, actually you are one since you just did.

- Megan - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

No its not cool.she could probaly get you into trouble for that

- Eden Allan - 11-09-2012 05:13 PM

First off, that's illegal.
No it's not cool, it's something a douchebag would do.