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What can the cops do for cuberbullying? - Printable Version

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What can the cops do for cuberbullying? - Da dum version of hannah montana - 11-09-2012 05:05 PM

My little brother is about 12 and he has a facebook account, since he lives wt me (us kids got tired of picking sides, our parents r divorced) in my house i have to check the account. And i looked at his messages and it seems he is being cyber bullied on his pics, messages and his wall. It looks like he is getting them everyday, why isnt he telling me? No wonder he is depressed. So what can the police do for cyber bullying?

- Dynamicchildren753 - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

The police are unlikely to become involved if the bullying is limited to a few isolated incidents or a couple of mean emails or instant messages. However, if you get even one communication that includes a threat of bodily harm or a death threat the police should be alerted. Be aware that urging suicide is considered a death threat and the police will treat it accordingly. If you give the police the names of the cyberbullies, they can help track the suspects and arest them.

- Alex B - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

Yes report it they will either help or let you know where to go for help.I would have your little brother delete his facebook and maybe remake one altering his name.I wish you well..It can be serious and cause him allot of emotional problems..

- anxiety64 - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

Cyberbullying is very bad. Yes, the police can arrest someone. It isn't "just" facebook, and anything goes. Actually if there are any bad threats the FBI can get involved because e-mail, internet, all those things are against federal law to bully, harrass and threaten on. (REALLY)

- Wayne - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

I am not sure how the laws work where you live but in most places the laws don't help. I think you could limit access to his account and have certain people blocked.