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How Do I Convince My Parents To Let Me Get A Facebook? - Printable Version

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How Do I Convince My Parents To Let Me Get A Facebook? - Ali - 11-09-2012 05:06 PM

I'm almost 15 and they won't let me get one. Two reasons. 1.) My older sister got in big trouble because of stuff she posted so my parents banned her from it, 2.) My dad thinks is dangerous because he is in the FBI.

- Shayne - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

Hi, I think you should tell your parents that you won't stuff up like your older sister and tell your parents that you will use facebook as a tool. You could also make a deal with them I.E. you could say if you stuff up then they can deactivate your account and ground you or something like that.

Good luck!

- sam cole - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

you could try telling them about its a way to stay in touch with friends and tell them about the safety features it has

- Claire Mackenzie - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

tell them you won't post anything bad and you will let them deactivate your account if you do.
and also promise that you won't post anything personal or private, and you'll use it only for communication and keeping in touch with friends.
promise that you won't friend anyone you don't know,
and you'll make sure that no one will be able to see your wall or profile unless they're your friend.

good luck!