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What should i do about my bestfriends girlfriend? - Printable Version

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What should i do about my bestfriends girlfriend? - littlealeyah22 - 11-09-2012 05:11 PM

My best friends girlfriend told ANOTHER guy that she would "didn't know" if she would date him, "it all depends" on his facebook wall. This made my friend upset because he is date her. Plus, i really like my friend. What should i do?? and whatt should he do about her??

- wrestling star - 11-09-2012 05:20 PM

he needs to man up, and tell her that if she doesnt delete the facebook posts immediately (bcuz it "embarrasses you and her") that you are going to DUMP HER and not look back.

if she doesnt delete the posts, dump her and start ignoring her. THEN WATCH HER CALL YOU BEGGING YOU BACK.

at this point, hold your frame. tell her your only taking her back if she deletes the posts off his wall, your wall, AND blocks the guy on facebook so she cant message him, AND make sure her phone doesnt have his number.

if she likes you EVEN A TINY BIT she will do this..

if she genuinely is a hoe, WHO CARES?!?!?!


girls care about VALUE. they want a man whos goodlooking, ripped, going to college, and has/will have a good job.

so study hard, work out hard, and have good hygiene, and ALWAYS BE DOING PRODUCTIVE STUFF- studying, WORKING and making money, going to classes, working out, gaining popularity, etc.

have MINIMAL TIME for your girlfriend SIMPLY BCUZ YOUR SO BUSY WITH PRODUCTIVE STUFF, and i guarantee you that you WILL NOT GET DUMPED.

- Kathleen - 11-09-2012 05:20 PM

YOU should do nothing. It's not your problem to deal with and no one is going to thank you for interfering.

Your friend needs to deal with it. It's his girlfriend, they need to talk.