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Did you know your guy or gal when you were younger? - Printable Version

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Did you know your guy or gal when you were younger? - Tapanga - 11-09-2012 05:14 PM

I just started dating a guy from back home in Maryland. I live in Pennsylvania right now... anyway we have known each other since we were 11 and just reconnected on facebook after not talking for a few years.

We both acknowledged early on that we had crushes on each other when we were younger and clearly do now as well.

Anyway, did you know your gf, bf, husband, wife, or partner when they were younger. Had you always liked them?

- you dont know me - 11-09-2012 05:22 PM

nope, he grew up in another state. i didnt know him until we started dating

- Kim - 11-09-2012 05:22 PM

i started dating my boycfriend at thirteen because we went to the same school but i moved away and when i came back i would always call him and go out with him then after i went back we lost contact for a while until last year we got back together. we are now both 20.

- CupKake - 11-09-2012 05:22 PM

i like a guy in my class currently and i have the biggest crucsh on
ive known him longer then any1 else in my class
and i know him better
but that doesnt matter
what matters is how u feel about eachotehr right now

- Kent C - 11-09-2012 05:22 PM

Younger isn't relative in my case. Yes I knew her when I was younger but then it was 25 years ago and we were in college together. She had to move away due to family problems. She finished college in another state, got married, had two children, got divorced and moved back. She saw me in front of my business one day and came to see me. We haven't been apart more than a week I was in the hospital after my heart attach and it's been three years now. I fell in love with her the moment she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and blinked.