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should i be worried about my girlfriend cheating on me at tech school? - Printable Version

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should i be worried about my girlfriend cheating on me at tech school? - Paul - 11-09-2012 05:21 PM

my girlfriend is currently at tech school at keesler afb in mississippi and all of a sudden im very worried about getting cheated on. theres nothing she has done that really makes me worry its just the whole thing. so should i be worried?
oh and is it common for sex to happen at tech school?

- Brad Powis - 11-09-2012 05:29 PM

If she starts loosing interest in you possibly new enviroment could lead that way sorry bud

- Dizzy lz - 11-09-2012 05:29 PM

Only you would know her best. If you two have been extremly commited for however long you've been together than you shouldn't worry. If she has ever told you, 'i'm boy crazy'...then that may be a red flag.

You know your relationship, you have your heart, put the evidence together and you will have your answer.
Don't worry too much.

- Louis - 11-09-2012 05:29 PM

I depends. If you've been together awhile and trust her then you should be fine. If you haven't been together very long then I would be worried. Everyone is different. I went to tech school at Sheppard AFB, TX and almost everyone went "buck-wild." However, there were exceptions. But if you know she is the cheating type then yes I would be worried. During my time in tech school, ALOT of cheating was going on. My guess is that people are away from home for the first time and all of a sudden they meet all these new people that show interest in them. Plus, there's alot of partying once they can go off base.

- 007 - 11-09-2012 05:29 PM

All I can tell you is that if you love her enough to trust her, then you shouldn't even be preoccupying yourself with such thoughts. On the other hand, it's very common for one to be a little worried if their boyfriend or girlfriend is seeing someone else especially if they are far away. The best thing to do would be to remain cool and continue your daily life because if you start to worry too much then you'll become obsessed with her every move and you might start to do things like calling her too frequently or talking to her on MySpace or Facebook every chance you get, or even texting her every minute, etc. This type of irratic behavior can be a real turnoff and will be a reason for the other person to reject you, if they haven't already done so. So just try not to be bothered by it. As the saying goes, "What you don't know won't kill you."