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How to keep my incoming facebook notification mails in a New folder named as Facebook mails? - Printable Version

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How to keep my incoming facebook notification mails in a New folder named as Facebook mails? - Anit Kumar - 11-09-2012 05:21 PM

I'm Getting many notification mails from Facebook.I've my yahoo mail Id.
How can I make an Extra Folder only for Facebook notification mails by which my all incoming Facebook notification mails will not store in "INBOX".They will store in Another Folder automatically....
Please help....

- Hades - 11-09-2012 05:30 PM

Its easy.

First make a folder, name it umm Facebook Notifications.
Then click Options and Mail Options, suppose to be on the top-left side of the page between sign out and help.
On the left you will see Filter. Click Filter, then click Add (has a plus sign beside it).
Name whatever you to name the Filter, but be sure to do this two things.
Where it is Sender, write the email address of facebook which is
And where it says Then deliver the email to the following folder, choose the folder Facebook Notifications on the drop down menu.

And then close the options tab on yahoo mail, when you click x beside option then your browser will ask if you want to save changes, click Save.

Your old messages would not get transfered but the new ones will.

- Daniel - 11-09-2012 05:30 PM

Easy go to your Yahoo Mail Under folders add new folder and name it Facebook Notifcations and than send your messages to that folder and when you get new messages it will go to that folder

- Crysna! - 11-09-2012 05:30 PM

You don't have to do anything yahoo has this service. Pls copy this link and go to
then your email automatically moved to each and every senders folder, folder name also automatically created. If you wanna moved your facebook email your folder name will be 'OIB Social Networking' but you can change your name whatever you want. Even your previous email also goes to this folder. How many senders you have to receive email, all senders will have different folder. Hope you'll satisfied from this answer. Good luck.