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Do you think my friends boyfriend really fancies her sister? - Printable Version

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Do you think my friends boyfriend really fancies her sister? - Stewierocks! - 11-09-2012 05:22 PM

My best friend got told by her boyfriends friend that he was only going out with him because he fancied her sister, lately he has been having chats with her on facebook and her sister keeps saying how funny he is! She keeps asking him about what they are talking about but neither of them answers, however when me and my friend chat the boyfriend keeps asking what we are talking about.

- dickrickuk - 11-09-2012 05:30 PM

this is one confusing question to say the least to decifer what is what which is why no one except me has attempted to answer.

but if i undertand correctly of course the bf would deny everything because if he was dating his gf just to get nearer the sister then that shows he is using her and he wont want her to know that.

to be honest the bf should dump the lass he is seeing if he fancies her sister and try dating her. certainly the two sisters shoulds not fall out over a guy. blood is thicker than water they say.

You also dont mention how old the you all are... I think this would provide some insight onto the behaviour cos it sounds like you guys are all very young.

But let me tell you somethign Facebook is evil and is the cause of a lot of breakups in the world