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Do All Guys Treat Their Girlfriends The Same When Showing Love? - Printable Version

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Do All Guys Treat Their Girlfriends The Same When Showing Love? - Vivian Gina - 11-09-2012 05:22 PM

Like, look at different couples and how different guys treat there boyfriend or girlfriend.
For example, lets just say one boyfriend always posts on myspace how beautiful his girlfriend is.
And another boyfriend never does that but he's shy and he does tell her those things to her face.
Does it mean maybe one guy loves his girlfriend more then the other or does it mean guys treat there girlfriends differently, depends on who the guy is?

- enveem - 11-09-2012 05:31 PM

Everyone has there own ways of showing love.

- ziggy - 11-09-2012 05:31 PM

Each couple's relationship is unique so each couple will relate to each other in their own way and understand what they mean even if others who see them don't read it the same way as the couple.

What did couple's ever do before facebook or texting or computers or telephones to tell each other they're beautiful and that they love them?

It wouldn't mean that a guy loves his girlfriend any more or any less to say it to their face or on facebook. Although I'd think the guy who does it in person likes to be personal and upfront - a great quality to have.