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Things to do when you are bored at home with your brother? - Printable Version

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Things to do when you are bored at home with your brother? - ACF - 11-09-2012 05:24 PM

My brother and I are bored out of our minds because we both are on winter break. We aren't old enough to get jobs (I'm 13, he's 11) and it's too cold to go outside. What are some things we can do inside? (and please be more creative than "Play a board game or watch a movie.")
BTW I'm a girl

- ChainMane - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

play c.o.d. black ops or halo reach

- Bryce - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

Get a fork and annoy the cat.

- Lou Hernadez - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

fight to the coma

- Tony - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

play pranks on each other and see who makes the best one.

- skashes - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

bend over and ask him to do you doggy...

- Evie - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

Plan an activity with neighbors or friends. It's best if you know a family with a girl your age and a boy his age. Come up with an activity like skating, sledding (if you're lucky enough to have snow), or at least to go see a movie. Everything is more fun with friends!
Hope this helps!

- Joey - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

When I’m bored, I go to these websites!
You’re probably already there. I go to this website to help other people out. It’s actually pretty entertaining, and it helps waste time, plus you might learn something new!!
Yep, Facebook it is! Facebook is a social networking site, I’m sure you’ve heard of it! You should jump on Facebook and see what your friends are up to! If you don’t have an account, ask your parents if you can!
Roblox is my favorite website to go to when I’m bored. With awesome 3D graphics and thousands of games made from people like you, being bored there is nearly impossible!! You can even build your own place, and invite friends to come and visit! It’s totally amazing! Try it!!
I love checking my email, and reading the news! Sometimes it’s very interesting, and it keeps me up to date with current events! You might even learn something interesting along the way!!
Watch videos posted online from people around the world!! You will find something funny to watch!

Other things to do:
-Play video games
-Read a Book
-Hang out/call friends!!
-Play pranks on your sister
-Listen to music!
-Get into Hobbies!!
-If the weather is clear, play sports or run!
-Watch TV!

Hope this helps!!