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How to RSVP For the JONAS BROTHERS live webcast on august 22nd>? - Printable Version

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How to RSVP For the JONAS BROTHERS live webcast on august 22nd>? - mackenz. lover. - 11-09-2012 05:28 PM

I want to be able to ask questions for the jonas brothers when they do theyre live webcast but idk how to rsvp for it!! or how to ask them questions? Does anyone know how?

- Eric S - 11-09-2012 05:36 PM

step one.

Shut off computer

step 2.

throw computer out window.

step 3

run over computer repetedly with car.


- smallkitten566 - 11-09-2012 05:36 PM

go to their blog. click the button that says "click here to rsvp for the event!" and if you have a facebook account(which you have to have to watch it) then you see under the pic of lines vines and trying times, it says Your RSVP. it will have Attending, Maybe Attending, and Not Attending under it. choose one Big Grin

- sofiprincess11 - 11-09-2012 05:36 PM

Make a facebook account (cuz they r doin it on faceboook)

Go to myspace and their page has blogs, find the blog that has a link to RSVP

Once you are in the page on the side it has 3 options...
*or not
Click on attending and once you click it ur in!!

Wait for August 22 and on dat day it has a place where u can chat and stuff...!!!

Hoped I helped!!