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How to get a boy to talk to you over facebook? - Printable Version

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How to get a boy to talk to you over facebook? - Friendlytoothbrush949 - 11-09-2012 05:30 PM

So i've been single for awhile now and i want a boyfriend. it sounds desperate i know but im really not i just want a boyfriend. All my other boyfriends usually started over facebook IM. I want that to happen again with a guy but nothings happening. Anything you know that will grab their attention?

- Lola * - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

grab their attention by you starting the conversation, be cheeky confident and yourself. boys love banter.

however its better to go out and meet people, but really you will get a boyfriend when your not looking for one!

- ella - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

Well, first, poke them on facebook. Then most likely, if they have the slightest interest, they will poke back. Then you poke THEM back. Keep doing this for a few times, and then chat them at one point, and say something like "I WILL win the poke war XD" or something cute and joking like that. They will probably respond with something like "NO I will!" and then you should say something like "oh lol XD u wish. I love ur sunglasses in your pic btw. where did you get them?" and then thats how a convo will bloom!
It works. well atleast for me it did!
good luck!