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Would you only keep certain people on your facebook? - Printable Version

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Would you only keep certain people on your facebook? - Bob - 11-09-2012 05:30 PM

Would you add anybody on your facebook or only your close friends? Some people don’t like to add people that they don’t talk to anymore but I prefer to add everybody that I talked to or know even if I never talk. What about you? Would you add only your close friends that you talk to everyday and not accept a friend request from someone you know but never talk to anymore? Even if you weren’t friends or for instance, would you add only an acquaintance on your Facebook that you aren’t friends with?

- Greg - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

I try to avoid adding ugly ppl

- Elflaeda - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM


- Jhey - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

I dont really add, but i accept nearly everyone becoos im a friendly monkey

- mean bean - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

I used to accept everyone, except for creepy looking people who had no mutual friends with me. But now I've deleted over 100 people, people I don't talk to anymore because we don't go to school together, (I'm in college now), people who have 3000 friends and I know they would not notice if I was off their friends list.. the main reason I went on a deleting frenzy is because so many people post retarded meaningless things, a lot of what they post isn't even original, it's some crappy optimistic quote or dumb song lyric. or all they do is like/share photos that SUCK or that I've already seen a million times. I just hate how annoying people can be so I only have about 120 friends now, some of them are still annoying, but it's a lot better than before. I just kept the people I talk to, and people who don't clutter my news feed with garbage