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How should I deal with this problem with my girlfriend? - Printable Version

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How should I deal with this problem with my girlfriend? - doom_fan101 - 11-09-2012 05:31 PM

I was chatting with my girlfriend on Facebook, and she said she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I asked why, and she said "You keep f**king lying to me" She refuses to talk to me, and she is very angry at me. I honestly have no idea what I did to make her this upset. I found out later that she said that I like two other girls and that I lied about this. This is wrong because I do not like any other girls, and she has the wrong idea. How should I deal with this? What should I say to her to clear things up?

- Lili - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

make a video of you singing one of her favorite songs and post it on her facebook wall <3 thats soooo sweet she will love you forever

- ErraticDemon318 - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

Tell her you don't like the other girls.. she's overreacting and clearly insecure about the relationship so tell her great she is and the only one and that sappy stuff and get her flowers or something.

- Baileyvanilla - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

Well if you really haven't done anything wrong, I think the most important thing to do right now is to find out where or who she got that idea from. If someone made up a lie they might be trying to sabotage your relationship, or maybe they saw you talking to another girl and misinterpreted it. It is most likely just a misunderstanding... But there is also the option that your girlfriend is the one involved with other guys and she's projecting it onto you so she doesn't look like the bad guy.

- margie - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

Personally, i'd dump her sorry ass but you seem nicer than that so I say go with straightforward honesty with a touch of flattering (c'mon, who doesn't like a compliment?) However, compliments are most affective when they're true so go with the facts. Listen attentively but remember to defend your side no matter what. A little crack in your confidence will lead to a huge opening for her to feel an ounce of insecurity...and since she's obviously hopelessly insecure you want to stay clear of that one. If she still doesn't believe you kick her to the curb & find a real woman who knows how to express herself...and not over Faceboo at that. Sorry for being harsh.

Hope this helped. Good luck!