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How can i find my father? - Printable Version

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How can i find my father? - CountryGirl - 11-09-2012 05:31 PM

Im looking for my father. I only know that he has blonde hair and blue eyes. And his name is Giles E Campbell. I know he has 4 kids over the age of 18. 2 boys and 2 girls. My whole life has been unclear to me. My mother told me all that she knows and she doesnt know why he left. I also know he had an accident and got his leg hurt my a lawn mower and possiably walks with a limp. They called him JR. All i gotta say is if hes out there id like to find him.

- livin la vida irie - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

try if you know the area where he might be residing in or if you know his last area of residence. If not and you know his age you can do a quick background check online. There's a website I'll post in the source that you can put his name in and it often comes back with relatives names, so it might show his children and possibly their ages. hope this helps.

- UnsureIowa - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

On the web - any networking site, Facebook, Myspace, Intellius,, any of those might be a possible start. Otherwise, you might have to end up getting an investigator or contacting any local resources you have to hunt him down. Maybe old places he used to live, old neighborhoods, etc. Good luck!