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How to tell my parents I want a Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to tell my parents I want a Facebook? - Monster Dreamer - 11-09-2012 05:33 PM

So all my friends have a Facebook. Half my friends are moving to a new school and they all have facebooks. I am of legal age to have one qnd my mom says a serious "no" and my dad says he'll talk to her about it but I haven't heard anything back! Help?
PS: My parents have a facebok and practically live on it.
PS: My parents have a facebok and practically live on it.

- Chob Asmaa - 11-09-2012 05:42 PM

You are of legal age to have one, so I think your parents can't object. Tell them that with Facebook, yuo can keep in touch with your buddies and that after all, everybody use it. You can let them discover the network it self. They'd maybe love to have one ^^
Good luck.
PS: If they say no, why not to create a fake one till they accept?

- Ashley Stepniak - 11-09-2012 05:42 PM

Have your mum read this, Facebook is a safe site if you have the right safety controls on, all you need to do is make a Facebook reset the safety controls, and find your friends online. Just don't friend anyone you don't know, PERIOD.

- Visualyear894 - 11-09-2012 05:42 PM

talk to ur mom and tell her that all ur friends have it and also let her put privacy and stuff and let ur relatives or any1 who has fb check ur wall and ur profile often and tell this to ur mom and promise her u wont do anythin wrong ...hope it workd out ...but ur mom has the right ...mayb she doesn't trust u or thinks its bad for the privacy or ull meet bad people anywayz ...hope for de best ..Big GrinSmile