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So many problems with this girl please help? - Printable Version

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So many problems with this girl please help? - Bubbly1996 - 10-02-2012 08:50 AM

So there is this girl who I have known since I was born. Her mom is my godmother. Well this girl lied and says that she doesn't get my text messages, she ingnores me on twitter but I see her tweeting her other friends and her boyfriend hates me but she let's him treat me like crap. And she told me once that if I'm with her when she goes places with her boyfriend her mom won't care because I'm with her and her mom knows im a good kid. She also lies to her mom about where she goes. She says she's going over her friends house when she's really with her bf. she treats her other friends so much better than me and it's really upsetting. Next time I see her I'm gonna be compleley honest and tell her that we can't be friends. She lies, she doesn't care about me, she uses me and she let's her other friends treat me like dirt. What else should I do?

- sheel - 10-02-2012 08:58 AM

i too had a friend like this..dont let ppl hurt are good girl and ll get many true friends..i know you like her but you can not change her..the day you ll stop talking to her belive me she ll come to you and say sorry.but then be friends with her but dont be with her in bad things..ok dont let her hurt you self respect.

- Mimi - 10-02-2012 08:58 AM

Someone once said, You are the average of the five people that you hang out with the most. So I would say that you have made the right choice. Find a new friend who treats you the way that you want to be treated. Besides, her behavior will catch up with her sooner or later and you probably don't want to be associated with her when it does. Just because you have known someone for a long time dose not make them your friend. If she says she wants to still be your friend, explain to her what changes would have to happen in order for that to happen. Stand your ground.

Good luck