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Girl is playing games.. what does this mean? - Chris - 10-02-2012 08:53 AM

Let me start from the beginning....

I met this girl about 7 months ago. We started talking at this video shoot and she seemed very nice. She is SOOO pretty too. I'm 21 and she is 27. I asked if she had twitter and we followed each other. We started talking on the DM about 2 months later and then I asked her out for Dinner. She said "Sure" and we scheduled a date a week later. She canceled on me the VERY last minute when I was already at the place. She claimed she had to drive her Aunt somewhere and didn't even ask to reschedule. Since I really wanted to go out with her, I asked her out again the next day. We rescheduled for the next week. We met up for Dinner (she was an hour late by the way.) I liked her, she seemed so nice, we were having a great time. We were out for 2 hrs, then she said she had to go. Date costed me 70 bucks but it was worth it!! She went home and I went home and she texted me "Thanks for Dinner Smile " I'm thinking "Whoooooo I hit the jackpot". I responded "Your welcome , let's have dinner again sometime soon Smile" she responded "Ok Cool".

Now I asked her to go to the movies the next week. She canceled on me (VERY LAST MINUTE). I'm like DAMNNN not again. I said "ok cool". We then reschedule for the next week and LAST LAST she tells me "She sprained her leg and she cant go out for a few weeks." 2 weeks later I hit her up and ask how she is feeling, she tells me its not that bad. She asks me out now and im like cool, that weekend, can u believe this? she cancels on me again.

At this point I'm like "ok ok....i think she is trying to give me a hint. But.... She started retweeting some of my tweets on Twitter , like "Glad to be alive" and other random tweets i do. So then I'm thinking maybe she really sprained her leg and maybe is really busy!

I hit her up "you hate me? lol"

she responds "no lol sorry ive been busy"

So I tried one more time!!

By the way, most of our convos are via text.

3 more weeks later. This is like 2-3 months after our first date...smh i know

On monday I said, "Hey Sherita, You are doing anything this weekend?" she responds "No i dont think so whats up?" I said" oh ok cool, u want to have dinner with me this weekend?" she said "ok let me get a babysitter for my son and ill let u know"...

Yesterday Friday, I havent heard any updates on if she got a sitter or not so i texted her "Hey, were u able to get a sitter for the weekend..give me an update" she responds "Im working now" i said "oh ok sorry... call me when ur not busy."

now its Saturday, didnt get no call or nothing.

What did i do wrong?

Do i have a chance?

What should i do now?

Why is she saying YES if still cancels? I honestly don't get it, she never actually said NO to me, that's why i never gave up Sad

I really like her, my friends have gave me stupid advice... I'm trying to win her but she has been playing games with me for months

Any advice??? Thanks

- Chris - 10-02-2012 09:01 AM

thats a tough one, i think anybody would be as lost as you, including me.

- Richard A - 10-02-2012 09:01 AM

a long question.. i think shes playing though

- Amanda - 10-02-2012 09:01 AM

She is tryna find a nicer way to hint she isnt that interested. 2-3 months after the first date and you havent seen each other since then is not ok. let her go and move on. your young have fun.

- Violentdesk725 - 10-02-2012 09:01 AM

First of all she is quite a bit older than you, AND she has a son. Are YOU ready for the role of a father because if things get serious the kid isn't just going to disappear he is going to be around whether you like it or not. She is a single mother, she is busy. However this constant canceling does seem like she is playing games. Move on with your life and find someone without kids (unless you feel ready for the role of fatherhood) and someone closer to your age.

- IsThisYourNacho - 10-02-2012 09:01 AM

First off right on with the long question. Most people don't post enough for us to give a good response I think.

Problem is, she doesn't take you seriously. Doesn't sound like she's going to. I'd move on if I were you, but if you are dead set on trying to get with this girl it sounds like you gotta play the game back. I don't recommend it though. You can do that by being more mysterious and not being so available. Sounds like you're always around and saying sorry.

She's "back burnering" you as I like to call it - she wants to hang out with you but has a lot of things that are more important. Sorry to say you probably won't date her but it's not 100%. Still if I were you I'd move on (but keep texting her probably) - and keep busy. Girls dig that.

- Emii - 10-02-2012 09:01 AM

I'm sorry but this girl is bad news. You seem like a very genuine guy and I'm positive there's like a billion single gorgeous girls who would appreciate you more than this girl. I feel like nobody has any self confidence nowadays. This girl IS playing games and she IS no good. Honestly just Forget her nobody should put up with someone messing with their emotions....