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How come it feels so miserable being single ? How can I not feel miserable being single at this age ? - Printable Version

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How come it feels so miserable being single ? How can I not feel miserable being single at this age ? - marcus - 11-09-2012 05:37 PM

I'm 19 years old and everyone around me has someone to be with. All of my friends have girlfriends and I'm the only one who has no girlfriend because of rejection. I get upset whenever i see a couple together like when i log in to facebook and see someone status says like, Jake is in a relationship with Michelle and so on. Can anyone please help me out ?

- Giovanni Z - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

obviously you aren't attractive

and if anyone tell you otherwise is a LIAR

better change your image bro...

girls date ATTRACTIVE guys.... unless they are ugly

- icon - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

You are still young, dont be pressured that you are still single. Enjoy your life being single since that's the peak where you need to pamper yourself. Just think that if you are with someone, sometimes you want to be alone. Enjoy life being single because I MISSED THAT!

- Bam - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

Me to like on Friday I cut this girls' name in my wrist and someone told her and she said that she doesn't love me and I get rejected a lot and i feel lonely I just try to talk to someone about it.

- AshleeG - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

Don't listen to the first guy, that's shallow BS. I'm in the same boat as you EXCEPT that I don't NEED or want a bf. The key to feeling like that is to love yourself or at least start to like yourself. But then again, it could also take getting into a relationship and finding out that it was more trouble than it was worth. Ya know? That's what it took for me to say "F*ck everyone. It's obvious no one can make me happy but myself. Being taken isnt all it's cracked up to be." Sure, being lonely sucks but everyone has to endure that. Fact: You WILL find someone one day.

- Rooper - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

Maybe because your a nice respectful guy. If you are a nice guy then women will hate you. Become a jerk and women will fall at your feet.

- Hong Kong Rockdude - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

Yeah I am in your situation right now, I haven't been on facebook for ages though because of revision and cba to log on. Also most of my friends have girlfriends and yet I am still single lol!

The thing is I've given up on being miserable being single and already given up thinking about dating for now and in the future and so far I've been happy, I'm more focused and less of a depressing git now, maybe you should do that because it will give you more focus on yourself and what you want and what you have to offer to a woman.

Don't worry you'll find a girl who won't reject you just like I will too.

- MiamiGal - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

Look, a girl can feel your vibe. You can be attractive or ugly, but if you don't have a personality about yourself, you are really not going to get anyone. Look into yourself first. You have to also stop building hatred for those who have someone in their life, all its going to do is make you more miserable and when you approach a girl, you will send that vibe. This world is nothing but game. The lines you use, you have to think of something a girl do not normally hear. Example, if she has pretty eyes, don't say you have pretty eyes, say something else because she's use to hearing that already, maybe your hands look very soft instead. That is what going to catch her attention. Be yourself!!!!

- LivinEasy - 11-09-2012 05:45 PM

I don't know if this will help you out or not... but it doesn't have much to do with your age. It sucks at any age to feel rejected or isolated because your the only single person in a group of friends. The one thing I am sure of is... you will meet someone. Everyone has a slump, it's just part of life, and it will pass. The important thing is to not let it get you down. Just a little advice... Find some activities, sports, a club... something you can really get into that lets you meet some new people. Get involved in something, and get good at it. It will get your confidence up and will get you out in the world. Confidence goes a long way. Look at it this way... the more people you meet, the better your odds of meeting a girl who is really into you, just simple math. The next thing you know, you will have an awesome GF and all your buddies will be single and wanting you to hang out... just the way life works.