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Would you cut someone out of your life completely if they snitched on you? - Printable Version

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Would you cut someone out of your life completely if they snitched on you? - Hollywood Jono - 11-09-2012 05:39 PM

Even if it was something small like telling your 90 year old mother something you posted on Facebook or something you did at a night club or bachelor party. If someone did this would you consider your trust betrayed and find completely cutting the person out of your life justified?

- Ash F - 11-09-2012 05:47 PM

I feel betrayed and let them know about it. But cutting someone out of your life for something you posted on Facebook would be stupid.

- Chuck - 11-09-2012 05:47 PM

No,I would ask the person why he did what he did and then If he can't provide me with a valid reason and he doesn't apologize then I would cut him out of my life.

- Cogito - 11-09-2012 05:47 PM

No - that's over-reacting.

But if you were stupid enough to post something personal on Facebook, or do something really embarrassing or wrong or shameful at a club or party, that's entirely down to you.

If you have a mother who is 90, that would make you at least 40 years old, I reckon, probably much older.
And if you behave like an adolescent in company, you should expect it to get back to your nearest and dearest.

The best advice I was ever given is that I should never do anything which I would be really upset or embarrassed about if the entire world found out about it.

- lowDesperado677 - 11-09-2012 05:47 PM

If it were the truth, I would still be slighted but I wouldn't cut them out of my life. If it were a major betrayal or a breach of trust, I would only be quite upset. A person's betrayal of me tends to make me believe that they have made a decision to step out of my life completely---not the other way around.