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if i pay child support and the mother will not let me see the child but we have shared custody what can i do? - Printable Version

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if i pay child support and the mother will not let me see the child but we have shared custody what can i do? - eric kruse - 11-09-2012 05:44 PM

i pay my child support on time every two weeks and have never been late, and because the mother got mad at me for no reason she has choose to not let me get my son anymore, but we have shared custody, and have it in msg the set days and times i am to pick him up. so what do i do?

- chubbygate840 - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

You have all rights to take her to court.

Legally, you don't have to pay child support if your spouse does not allow you to see your children.
But if you do pay child support and you are not allowed to see your child, then you can file for custody, and depending on how many weeks it has went on, the judge will be forced to grant you custody of your children.

- whatsername1180 - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

Take her to court. You have a right to see your son, and she has no right not allowing you to see him

- Niky - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

ths is tough but I recommend u file a police report for evry time she dont let u c ur son. Aftr about two mnths of ths u can thn proceed by taking her to court where she will b charged w interfering w child visitation on court ordr. If u get urslf a good attorny u mght even get lucky n gain custody of ur son. Good luck in all this.

- odimwitdwon - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

Child support has NOTHING to do with visitation. You need to see a lawyer and possibly get a court order. If you are so illiterate that you think "...and have it in msg the set days..." clearly states your case, then you really need a lawyer who can communicate in English.
Keep the money out of it. Visitation is between you and the mother. Custody payments are for the kid. they are separate. You could try telling her that unless you get the visitation you two agreed on then you will see a lawyer and force her to do the right thing. Its probably worth a try.

- Mrs.Jasper Hale - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

The night before you have to pick him up you call the mother and tell her "I am picking up my son tomorrow at exactly (whatever time you are supposes to get him) no layer. If you do not release him to me then I will have the cops right there." The day you go get him you call her one more time and remind her you will be there on time with the cops if she doesnt hand him over. Then when you go make sure you are on time and if she doesn't give him to you, call the cops.

- Big Horn Basin - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

Your problem is a common one which law enforcement deals with regularly, but the answer varies from state to state. In my state child custody is considered to be a "civil issue" despite a specific state law concering custodial interference. My advice is to call your local police or sheriffs office and ask for a civil standby. Have your current child custody order, or certified copy with you, when you go to pickup your child. While the officers may not take any action, they make really good witnesses when you hire the meanest attorney you can afford and take the ex spouse back to court for contempt charges!

- Expertbanana659 - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

Collect evidence on her and file a motion under a federal program that does not require the hiring of an attorney, to enforce your access rights.
Federal Child Support Enforcement Handbook for Non-Custodial Parents

To learn a father's rights, join Dads House Educational Center in Yahoo Groups. It's free to join and access all materials. You also associate with other fathers going through, and have already gone through, the same issues. We have an Educational Manual that teaches everything that needs to be known in addressing your legal issues. Mention your question here when asked why you want to join, as well as your state?
2nd Wife Club in Yahoo Groups, for those brave enough to take on a man with "baggage".

For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors.