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Why is the media constantly pushing Facebook and Twitter down our throats? - Printable Version

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Why is the media constantly pushing Facebook and Twitter down our throats? - Steve - 11-09-2012 05:48 PM

This isn't 2008. Not everybody is spending hours each day checking and updating their facebook accounts. I don't even have a Facebook and most of my family spends about 5-10 minutes a day checking their Facebook account. It's seriously not a big deal anymore. I spend more time on Youtube and Yahoo answers than facebook.

Why is the media constantly shoving this crap down our throats about facebook stock and it's revolutionary garbage?

- Bob the Dealer - 11-09-2012 05:56 PM

I'd say because people are more connected than ever. If something big happens, we'll know it right away. If a relative is graduating from school, we'll know without having a call from other relatives.

- Red Weasley - 11-09-2012 05:56 PM

I think its just all about the money and the fact that since FB came out in 2004 everyone has one, its still a big deal to alot of people in general. I mean alot of people are constantly on there everyday, some dont but still, but people shouldnt be shoving it to others who dont have it and we should know better than not to use it 24/7.. Its only a social network after all. But we all need are lives back, the site its self has takin over everything, it has more disadvantages now then advantages.

- Charlie Kelly - 11-09-2012 05:56 PM

I rarely hear this, or maybe I tune out during that talk.
Obviously facebook is in the news due to the IPO tanking.

It's a lot like when certain sites had an AOL page (if you are old enough to remember that) and so they would say "OR you can reach us at our AOL page!" I'm sure people got annoyed with that since it was basically baby's first internet access.

So the counterpart is that sometimes you have to "like" a facebook page to get into a deal. I know that grinds my father's gears. "**** them for discriminating against me because I don't give a ****," he will say.

This too shall pass, things you ignore go away, like that old lady that couldn't find the beef.