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Why are there so many Margarito fans? - Printable Version

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Why are there so many Margarito fans? - Lindsay - 11-09-2012 05:48 PM

Everywhere I look either on facebook, twitter, or even just asking around campus there are so many Margarito fans and most of these people aren't even Mexican. Don't these people realize he's a cheater and that he should be banned from boxing? He's a criminal, he's an embarrassment to the sport. How can so many people like him and not cheer for Cotto?

- Jose - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

because not everyone is a goody 2 shoes like you and your x-factor and Glee watching a**!! You need to root for the bad guy sometimes and not be in this Disney world crap! You gota be more outgoing and not care about trends and what people say because I know your in the beaber army

- . - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

I'm not a HUGE fan, but i will be rooting for him against Cotto...haha.

- Pestyachieve933 - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

have you heard the stuff cotto has been saying these past few months? he flat out said he cares more about the money than his fans and putting on the fights the fans wanted to see! the people who supported him and put money in his pocket he doesnt care about.

margarito is completely different margarito is a gentleman hes charismatic AND BEST OF ALL HE DOESNT DUCK ANYONE and cotto is the one who started all the trash talk. im not a fan of margarito and i still dont forgive him for what he did and I think he should be banned from the sport but im definitely pulling for him in this fight. Cotto deserves a beating

- Nicholas - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

Because most of us sadly will forgive anything if you're entertaining.

Hard to argue with anything you said about Tony, but he puts on entertaining fights in a sport full of boring ones, and sadly that's enough to win people over.

- Unknown One - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

I am with you on this one. I do not think there is no greater offense in boxing than loading up your gloves! It's sole purpose is to hurt people and even though this game is all about hurt, lines can be crossed if there are artificial factors at play like loaded gloves, steroids, etc. The image of Cotto's beaten face is forever stuck in my mind; even his trainer father said they did not understand how he could have been so battered. Hie eyes and ears were bleeding!!! If I am the only one in the free world who will be rooting for Cotto then so be it!

- Sean G - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

A) Ethnicity...he has a strong Mexican fan base.
B) Promotion...Top Rank made Margarito a huge name by casting him as the guy Mayweather was ducking. He was an obscure 3 loss welterweight with a world title, but nothing special until people believe Mayweather was ducking him. If the pound for pound king was ducking him he had to be a bad man.
C) Then he defeated undefeated Welterweight titlists like Cotto and Cintron.
D) Now he is viewed as an outlaw...and people love outlaws. Think of the old Oakland Raiders, The "Bad Boy" Detroit Pistons, Mike Tyson (even after prison) and so on...

- Tracey - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

i'm more of a lindsay fan myself going by your picture

- patrick4266 - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

I love the way he fights. No defense, just trying to f%ck the other guy up. I am hoping to see him f%ck up the little crying betch cotto this saturday.

- THE HAWK - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

Better to die than live as a coward...that is mine and the Gurkhas motto...If theres one guy who also lives by that motto in boxing, its Margarito

So therefore I respect him for that.......but that dont mean I like him though

Im rooting for Cotto to pound his cheating a$$.....drug lord lookin muhfuca

lmfao at Tracey