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Why am I not receiving emails from facebook? - Printable Version

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Why am I not receiving emails from facebook? - jenningschick - 11-09-2012 05:49 PM

I am not receiving emails from facebook telling me that people have commented on my photos and my wall,etc.

I have looked on my settings and turned all the email notifications on, but I am still not getting any emails from facebook.
No, people are commenting on my photos. I have made sure the emails are being sent to the right email and my email notifications were on. I just don't know why I am not receiving emails.

- katie kat - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Maybe people aren't commenting on your photos. Or you could have them being sent to the wrong address. check that. And make sure afterwards that email notifications are on.

- cooki3 - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Probably when you signed up on face book you forgot to check the notification letter. Go on ur account settings to change it. Oh perhabs you aren't receiving any coments or msgs. Goodluck-

- knight of cydonia - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Facebook has been acting really weird lately; several people, including myself, haven't been able to log on because everytime there's a "Internet Explorer is encountering problems; send error report?" box that shows up. I'm thinking that this is just a temporary thing, so facebook should be up and running smoothly by next week.