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do you think that sites like facebook and tuiter should close down as David Cameron says? - Printable Version

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do you think that sites like facebook and tuiter should close down as David Cameron says? - carlos bravo - 11-09-2012 05:50 PM

Today David Cameron said that sites, as facebook and tuiter should close down for a period of time as consequences of the riots in uk and seeing how from this sites the young people were communicated and acted inmediately.
I would like to know if do you think he is right or wrong to think about it.

- CryCryCry - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM


Also, I'm all for it.

- FlowersNotFights - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Why should innocent users of such sites be punished for the actions of a few. If it wasn't arranged through these sites, it would still have been arranged somehow, it couldn't have been prevented, just may not have spread so far.
I think it would be fair enough if the users involved have their accounts suspended but it seems to penalise the innocent this way.

- Necromancer Mk III - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Who gives a flying f*ck what he thinks? Sites with millions of users shouldn't have to shut down because of a few people misusing them.

- BlackSheep - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

No....It's like banning handguns..the only people it affects are law abiding citizens. Law abiding citizens shouldn't be deprived of their rights because of criminals.

- Ross Mulholland - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

no governments not going to win over the younger generation by doing that

- Tringle - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Its not twitters fault that hes an idiot and is doing nothing to stop the riots. They could have got police down there with tear gas, rubber bullets, shotgun tasers, sound cannons, and water hoses to end the riots but they aren't doing any of that. They had one of those sound cannon at one of the g20 meetings just to stop people from protesting and they can't do the same to stop riots?

- Oliver Cromwell - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

Without a doubt, most definitely Facebook.

From what was initially supposed to be a site like Friends Re United.

Facebook has got to much power, notice every advert you see, the business does not have a website it is always,, not the firms own website.

Facebook groups are getting to powerful, this is far more than a social network, this is a big part of society, a wrong part of society and it should at the very least be a subscription service, i would prefer a total ban but atleast if it was a pay for service it would eliminate the chavvy vile scum that use it.

The Labour/Jeremy kyle society louts who sit around drinking cider all day sit on the thing, mothers abandoning their children just because they are to busy on fcuking Facebook.

It needs to go, a nasty and addictive site that is a dagger into decent society!!

Twitter on the other hand I think is a good way of keeping up with the news, however I think there should be more censorship.

- Jonathan Bachelor - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

I wonder if he would suggest that if it was a UK site. Why should facebook lose millions just because rioters are using it to communicate? And think of all the people worldwide that haven't done anything wrong that would miss out. David Cameron has some very strange ideas sometimes.

What next? Cut the phone lines?

- David - 11-09-2012 05:58 PM

We managed very well without them.

Some of the Yahoo questions indicate that Facebook and Twitter are out of control in some peoples lives. They are addictive, time wasting and actually add nothing to society. Better to socialise in the flesh.

It is mainly Blackberry messaging that has been criticised with regards to the rioting in London and elsewhere enabling gangs to operate tactically.