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My girlfriend is ignoring me on Facebook but she says she still loves me when I ask, what does this mean? - Printable Version

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My girlfriend is ignoring me on Facebook but she says she still loves me when I ask, what does this mean? - Alex - 11-09-2012 05:51 PM

I feel like my girlfriend is ignoring me on Facebook when i send her messages and post even when i know shes on, but when i ask she says she still loves me. what does this mean?

- A - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

She is losing interst in you. Your insecurity is really going to do your relationship in., Your only hope at this point is to show her a little indifference and ignore her and stop asking things like "do you still love me" that makes you look needy and girls hate that.

- April - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

I don't think she loves you being a girl myself if I had a boyfriend I wouldn't ignore him on Facebook either she doesn't love you or she's cheating on you. Might wanna figure out what it is.
-Good Luck!

- sarena - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

Facebook based relationship much? Get away from the social-networking site pick up your cell and call her. Girls love it when their boyfriend randomly calls them to just talk.

- 7 - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

Just cool it for a while, and stop messaging her. Give her time to think about you, and give yourself time to think about other things like work, school, hobbies, etc. Then, she will contact you from the hard to get issue. We want what we can not have, that is the human desire.

- Grace - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

Maybe its that you or its her if not its maybe her friend was the last girlfriend you had or its because shes cheating or shes not showing you something from you or its over im super sorry about that if its real well start looking for another girlfriend if you hate her because of that if you really like her well stay with her for a couple more weeks and if she keeps doing it go on a date with her and look at another girl and if she says "Hey look at me not her" stay with her if not break up with her!

- saviorsnake - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

I am seeing one of two things happening, here:
1) She's meaning to tell you something or wanting to do something but doesn't have the heart to tell you or is keeping up appearances because she fears the backlash. She could be "waiting for the right time" to tell you she wants to break up with you.
2) You only talk to her on Facebook and this is annoying you - this would be her way of telling you to pick up the damn phone, show up unnoticed, or do something couples usually do instead of chatting online all the damn time.

You make the judgement call but I suggest you take action before you lose your girlfriend - that is, if you care about her. Bottom line is that she's testing you - and you're expected to have the insight to figure it out on your own. Be honest with her if you can't figure it out on your own, don't go on the internet...

- Michael Matthews - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

You are becoming boring and she is looking for something better in life
She doesn't want to go out with you anymore but until she finds someone new she will stay with you
Don't expect this to go on for much longer
Either she is just too busy to respond or she doesn't want to, you need to give her a little space and rekindle the flame you both once had