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If someone never acknowledges receiving presents, or thanks you for them? - Printable Version

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If someone never acknowledges receiving presents, or thanks you for them? - AD - 11-09-2012 05:52 PM

If someone never acknowledges receiving presents, or thanks you for them, would you continue to send them things? A relative I have does not thank me when I send presents. I see them all the time on facebook, so how hard would it be to mention receiving the gift? This hurts my feelings. I have ignored their lack of manners for years, as they were younger, but it is starting to get to the point where the joy of giving is wearing thin. (they are 20 now) I feel hurt not to have it acknowledged.

- Prairie Girl - 11-09-2012 06:00 PM

When they were young it was the fault of the parent to not have them thank you, but they are old enough that the responsibility has been theirs for a long time now. I'd send a card for the next occasion and say it seems the gifts you've been sending through the years must have gotten lost in the mail since you never hear that they are received so you won't be sending anymore. If they don't acknowledge the card then it would be the last I ever send.

- Micol - 11-09-2012 06:00 PM

I never send a second gift, plain and simple. Surly they did not enjoy the gift or the thought. Stop and put the thought behind you.

- Jenni - 11-09-2012 06:00 PM

If they don't thank you or even acknowledge the receipt of a gift, you should come right out and ask them. Ask them something like, "Oh, you didn't mention if you got my gift. Did you get it? Did you like it?" After they answer, just mention that you weren't sure if they even received it since you hadn't heard anything about it.

This should give them a clue that they need to acknowledge the receipt of the gift. If it continues, you should assume that they don't appreciate your gifts and you just shouldn't waste any more of your time, energy or money in getting them for them.