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How to react to FB friends with political differences? - Printable Version

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How to react to FB friends with political differences? - Telling It Like It Is - 11-09-2012 05:54 PM

I'm a Democrat and most of my Facebook friends are also Democrats - as per many pf their posts and they are New Yorkers (a Democratic state)
I have to raging Republican friends who believe everyone should own a gun, along with other republican view points.
How do I react to their conversations about control, abortion etc...I don't want to get into politics with them, but some of their posts scream conservative.
I don't judge them and I'm not very close to them, but how can I avoid these conversations?

- Katy M - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

How do you avoid the conversations? Easy, don't post anything to them. You don't have to participate in every post by every friend you have.

- Esteban P - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

Well ...I think that you should just ignore those types of comments/ posts...for you are always gonna
have a difference with persons who do not share your point of view concerning political ideology, sports, food likes , gun control , abortion/ pro life, etc....and well that is what I always do

- Warren D - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

I'm one of your Republican friends. I simply don't engage friends in politics unless they want to be so engaged, and usually I don't. I think gun ownership is a Constitutional right, but don't own one. I choose not to. I don't like abortion, and have a pretty large number of Democrat friends who don't like it either.

On the gun control issue, gun control does little except take the gun ownership option away from the responsible people who might like to have one. The bad people will get them, legal or not. But I don't proclaim that view from the rooftops. I understand and appreciate the other side's view even when I disagree.

Bet answer I can give you is to respect their views and expect them to respect yours. If someone posts a view you disagree with you can either ignore the question or state your disagreement. You and I are both entitled to our views. But also, avoid getting emotional about politics. Political views are often based on experience and observations. Mine go back to before the Kennedy assassination. And I know where you live and what you do for a living, so I understand your views and why you have them. We can still respect each other.

Bottom line--I still like you and I'm still your friend. I won't misrepresent my views but I won't be a pain about them either.