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Should I tell my boyfriend about this situation? - Printable Version

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Should I tell my boyfriend about this situation? - kate - 11-09-2012 05:55 PM

I'm 19 years old. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost six months. An acquaintance of mine might be interested in my boyfriend. I might block her on Facebook and change my phone number. Should I tell my boyfriend about this situation? I don't want to seem like a clingy overprotective girlfriend.

- barrett a - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

Might be interested? Don't tell him, and don't change your number. If he is loyal it doesn't matter who is interested in him, it just matters who he is interested in.

- Hannah Wilson - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

Well it depends on what she is doing to hint that she likes your boyfriend, if its nothing that bad then yea, you will look clingy and overprotective. The trick is to not show that you are bothered. If you show you are bothered about this girl liking your boyfriend you are instantly showing her that you are weak and a very self-consious person, and that only makes it easier for her to get to you and ruin things in your relationship. Don't start something that might not be anything...wait until she pushes it, and you have solid evidence that she is interested in your boyfriend (if you don't already). When you have solid evidence and she cant deny the fact she likes him in that way, and your boyfriend cant tell you your being stupid and over-reacting, then that is when you do something. Until then just keep a close eye out, especially if your boyfriend is the unfaithful type. Showing that this bothers you is only saying to her that she can basically walk all over you because you are scared she might steel your boyfriend, let her know that you don't give a shit, and that your confident that your boyfriend wont leave you for her. Just act like she doesn't even exist, make out that you don't care wither she likes your bf or not. That way it makes it harder for her to get to him because your not doing anything wrong, or being the unreasonable one.

- itsmybusiness - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

Then don't change your number or block her on Facebook. But yes, you can mention it to your boyfriend, just make it sound like a joke and laugh about it together. I once went through this type of thing when I was married. The woman made a comment about her never going after my husband and I basically shut her down by saying "My husband would NEVER do that." She was all hurt and offended, but what did I care? If this woman gets more blunt about it, tell her to find her own man, yours is taken.

- amber lynne. - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

i've been through this before.
i always feel over protective over my boyfriend.
i'm always straight up with him if i have any concerns.
especially because i'm 17 and he's 19.
and we've been dating for a year.
the best thing to do it be straight up with him.
don't change your number or block her.
confront her about it as well.
just make sure he doesn't fall for her instead of you.
if he really loves you he would stay with you.