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Boyfriend is trying to control my life through facebook, and wants to hide his own. What to do? - Printable Version

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Boyfriend is trying to control my life through facebook, and wants to hide his own. What to do? - oljika2003 - 11-09-2012 05:55 PM

My boyfriend opened an account on the facebook, and I'm the only friend of him, though he has a twin brother and a lot of relatives. I think, he is trying to control me, and at the same time not to show me his real life and friends and relatives on the facebook (I think, he has another account there). What do I do? I asked him and of course, he denies.

- Miss Kitty - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

No one can control your life through an online site like facebook.
Get off the computer and interact with people in the real world, for goodness sake, it's Christmas Eve. (Good advice for me, too.)

- .... - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

First- why are you going out with someone who is trying to control you? That's not really a good idea.
Second- You can't really "control" someone from facebook, and if you were really that terribly worried about it you would stop using it.
Third- Talking to him about it might be a good idea. If he keeps denying it are you sure you aren't just being paranoid? Time for a nice, open chat. Make sure you aren't attacking him, but simply letting him tell his side of the story.

Happy Holidays! xoxo

- sunwheel1 - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

Okay, first of all, what is he doing to make you think he is trying to control you? Does he has to know every single person on your friends list or read every single wall post? Well, one way you can find out if he has another account or not is to make talk with his twin brother or relatives OR search up the accounts of his twin brother and relatives (if they have any). If you can't find any facebook accounts for his twin brother or relatives, then chances are, he's telling you the truth about not having another account. However, if you find facebook accounts for his twin brother and/or relatives, browse the friends lists on these and see if you find anything. He could be registering another account with a different name. But whatever the case, if he has another account (rather he uses a different name or not), then that account should be "friends" with his twin brother and all the rest of his relatives or most of them, ya know?

But are there OTHER things he's doing to make you not trust him?
Is he secretive about his email, car, phone, room, whereabouts? Has he taken out lots of $20 withdrawls from his ATM when you and he were not together? Does he only spend 2-4 days with you out of the week and get really defensive when you ask him who he was hanging out with, what he was doing? If so, then there might be something fishy going on and if so, you'll have to ask yourself if you want to stay in the relationship or not.

Have you had trouble trusting guys in relationships before? Have any of your previous boyfriends cheated on you? Has your guy ever cheated on you or done anything MAJOR to make you not trust him? How you answer your questions will in fact determine your answer, if that makes any sense.

Sorry, I hope I helped somewhat.

P.S. Merry Christmas! Smile