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Girls: Can you help me? - Printable Version

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Girls: Can you help me? - Dallas - 10-02-2012 09:52 AM

I have a crush on this girl and she is kinda of a friend of mine. I know this is weird, but I guess I "twitter stalk" her occasionally even though I don't have a twitter myself. I told one of my friends about something that she tweeted, and a couple days later he told mr that he told her about it in class. I was really mad at myself that I told him about it, but it was whatever. I was out eating with a couple of my friends and ran into her. She walked in a while after to meet one of her friends for lunch. When she saw me she came over and said hello to me and all than & she then said: "So... I hear you've been stalking my twitter." I said: "Sure have!" She was curious to know how I found it without having a twitter and I proceded to whip out my smart phone to read some of her latest tweets to her. She just laughed and I asked her if it creeped her out and she said "no." She then suggested that I create a twitter myself. That has been a couple months ago, and I haven't made one. Now, I've been thinking about getting one to follow some people, and I was wondering if you think it would be creepy and creep her out if I followed her?

- PudgeyBacon - 10-02-2012 10:00 AM

You're thinking too much of it. Pretend you don't like her and just follow her. She probably won't think much of it.

- anonymous - 10-02-2012 10:00 AM

No. I don't think that she will be creeped out at all. Dude she asked you to make one. Of course she doesn't mind. Your just overthinking everything.

- udk me - 10-02-2012 10:00 AM

No it wouldn't be creepy if she said it didnt freak her out that you were stalking her and SHE was the one that suggested making a twitter account then no if your gonna make one follow her

- Emily - 10-02-2012 10:00 AM

no, that wouldn't be weird...