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Do I have to have an Iphone and Facebook to function properly in life? - Printable Version

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Do I have to have an Iphone and Facebook to function properly in life? - River Fang - 11-09-2012 05:57 PM

Everyone as of late keeps saying I need these two things to live properly. (Much like how computers are pretty much needed now in order to make it through school, when they weren't just a while ago.)
Even my mother is saying I need these, and quite frankly I think their both stupid when I have Email and *gasp* A phone to keep in touch with the family. And Iphone's are just like game things right?

So do I need them?

- Karen Sylvester - 11-09-2012 06:05 PM

No you don't. All you need is what you want. Example would be deciding whether or not to sign up for a social media network or getting a smart phone. If what you have works for you then you don't need that other stuff since you function well without them.

- . - 11-09-2012 06:05 PM

I resisted getting facebook and a cell phone for a long time, but eventually I gave in because those are to to main modes of communication for this generation. I basically need them as tools to organize and maintain my social life. I see them as necessarily as a car or something. With each new communication invention there is resistance to follow the flow, but when everyone else does you have to just to keep up.

- Pork Sword - 11-09-2012 06:05 PM

No, you absolutely don't need them, and I commend you on realizing that. All you need is a cheap burn phone you load with minutes and a computer. I don't trust any computer that doesn't have a QWERTY keyboard attached. I'm a touch typist, and I find texting to be useful only in limited situations. I learned to type at a reliable 60 wpm on an electric typewriter, and I'm not going to forego that useful skill just to be cool. I just need a keyboard. So, I'm not exactly the target demographic for smart phones or tablet computers.

- Kitty - 11-09-2012 06:05 PM

I know, I get that reaction also. I don't do facebook and now people don't ask for a phone number but my facebook page, or email, some computer site. If someone wants me just call me,nope, they want to see what's going on in every aspect of my life, and hey I don't twitter.

Stick to what works for you, but I don't know how long that would last. Pretty soon who will need landlines, you computer will just ring.