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My Boyfriend saw pictures of me kissing my friend.Is he right to be mad? - Printable Version

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My Boyfriend saw pictures of me kissing my friend.Is he right to be mad? - Alaiya - 11-09-2012 05:59 PM

I uploaded a couple of pictures of my friend and I both kissing her boyfriend on the cheek on my facebook page. I thought it was cute and innocent.We took the picture when we were out of town for our yearly vacation.My boyfriend saw the pictures and is furious.He wants me to take them down.I didn't think what I did was wrong or else I wouldn't have taken the pictures.It was just a kiss on the cheek to me.Is he right to be mad at me?Should I take them down?

- PHINEAS - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

first you're kissing his cheek, next you're kissing his dick

- Naeko C - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

personally yeah. I wouldn't like it if my boyfriend uploaded pictures of him kissing some other girl even if it was on the cheek.

- Annie girl - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

i would be mad if my boyfriend did what you did
and i bet you would be mad if you saw him kissing another girl, even if it was only on the cheek
i say take them down, you may not think its a big deal, but he does and you should respect that

- BabeHart - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

.DRAMAbook causes no end of problems for people who examine each other's lives under a microscope and everyone posts their business for the world to see.

A kiss on the cheek is no big deal...he's behaving very insecurely.

To take the pics down or not is your call. Thank you for once again validating my decision not to have an account on DRAMAbook.

- Jenny - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

If the kiss was only on the cheek then no, I think he may be insecure and jealous because sounds to em like the pictures were innocent.

- Michael - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

Yes, he is right to be angry, Yes you should take them down. Im not saying you meant to make him angry, because you thought you were inncocent. but guys get very jealous easy, and what you think is harmless, they get pissed. If that was my girlfriend id react the same way. how would you feel if you found out your boyfriend kissed another girl? I know, you kissed him on the cheek, but to guys, a kiss is a kiss, no matter where. Hoped this helped.

- Ryan - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

Yeah blokes get like that. We can be very jealous over the most obscene things. It hurts you to see your girlfriend kissing someone who is her friend because it makes you wonder what else did you do?

My girlfriend posted a picture up with her best mate, and he had his ass hanging out his trousers. Now he is gay but it still makes me wonder what else they did or what else would she do. I didn't tell her to take it down, but if it wasn't for the fact he is gay I would of been annoyed. Its annoying to see your girlfriend with any other bloke and men think differently to women and this is just one of the things men feel threatened by.

- Savannah :D - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

i would tell him that he's just your friend and that you didn't mean anything by it and that you think their innocent and just for fun, but that you'll take them down if he really wants you too.

hoped i helped ya Smile

- Rachel F - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

Yes, boys are possessive and jealous. And I would be mad if my boyfriend did that. You should take them down and apologize to your bf.