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this is very random but do you know about piercing babies ears in mexico? rules? - Printable Version

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this is very random but do you know about piercing babies ears in mexico? rules? - hissingbed596 - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

a friend of mines father just had a baby girl that was born in mexico. well my friend posted pics of the baby on facebook when she was literally a few hours old. is that even legal? do they have places in the untied states that allow that? it just seems so crazy to me.
well my friend posted pics of baby with ****PIERCED**** ears on facebook when she was literally a few hours old. thanks to the first answerer for using some common sense and not pointing out my mistake like the other guy.

- greatdialup - 11-09-2012 06:11 PM

Sometimes they even do it in the hospital here.
When it came time for my daughter's hospital portraits they offered to pierce her ears.

- Feathered Lizard - 11-09-2012 06:11 PM

What does the main question have anything to do with the additional detail?

- MRS. PITBUL - 11-09-2012 06:11 PM

Its just depends on people and how public they want there lives to be, not every is so private than others. But then we have web sites that we can have some control over some what being private and posting what we want- but then these sites help people to have contact with family and friends that don't live close by. Its just depends on the people who post what ever they want on these sites.