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How do I delete friends on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I delete friends on facebook? - YoDude - 11-09-2012 06:03 PM

I want to get rid of some people that are my brothers friends but I don't know how :/ and will it tell them that I've deleted them?

- ♫ Hopeful - 11-09-2012 06:12 PM

Go to their profile, scroll down a ways, and on the left hand side there will be a link that says, "remove from friends." Click on that, and it will delete them from your friend list. They will be able to see that they have one less friend on their profile than before (if they even keep track of that), but fbook won't tell them who de-friended them.

- aredel - 11-09-2012 06:12 PM

nahhhh, it wont tell them that u have deleted them at all. u just go to your friends list and click on that x u see next to the name that u want to delete.or u can go to the person's profile page and to the bottom of said page theres the option to delete friend. or if u want to go a step further and block the person completely, just go to your settings, click on privacy settings and type the person's name in there and click block. like i said it wont notify the peron the u've blocked them. and if they do a search of you your name wont come up anywhere on facebook, lol lol. i've had quite a bit of experience in that department

- Peter - 11-09-2012 06:12 PM

You should change your password before anything, anyways, deleting:
~ go to the persons profile
~ scroll down
~ on the left side you'll eventually see:
Suggest Friends for (user)
Remove from Friends
~ click 'remove from friends'

Hope it helps. For more information