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How do you use trends on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How do you use trends on Twitter? - HelloKittyLover - 10-02-2012 10:15 AM

I just started Twitter and I see people using the # (hashtag thing) I want to use it but can you write anything you want on it? Like my friend said #epicfail. But can I write something and say something like #yum... or #great.
I'm confused. Basically, if you didn't understand can I write anything, after the #?

- Alicia Loves hugs - 10-02-2012 10:23 AM

yep you can write anything after a #
i think its something you want to start trending but i usually write anything Tongue

- - 10-02-2012 10:23 AM

When you use a Hash tag in your tweet it will be visible in searches. For instance, if I tweet "The party was awesome last night #NewYearsEve" then anyone searching for #NewYearsEve will see all the tweets that contain that Hash tag.

When a lot of people start using the same Hash tag it will show up in the Twitter Trends. The benefit to tweeting a trending topic is that your profile will show up in the searches for that Trend and can expose you to potential followers.

Good luck