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Should I be concerned if my boyfriend complements girls Facebook ? - Printable Version

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Should I be concerned if my boyfriend complements girls Facebook ? - a_fo924 - 11-09-2012 06:07 PM

By telling them there beautiful or they have nice legs etc.... Over the past years its happened about 15 times. Mostly when we first started dating. It didn't bother me much until my brother pointed out a comment he wrote about a girls legs being nice last night. I asked him about it, and said he was only messing around with her. But to me, if you said it, you must of thought it. I'm i just paranoid? Or should I have some concern? We're not middle school kids here, both college students.

- thunderingtable179 - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

It's time to move on. You needed a reason and now you have it.

- Marco G - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

If you want to know how long a horse's lead is just see how far the grass has been grazed around the pole that he's tied to.


What I mean is your horse appears to have grazed all the grass and will most likely soon break that lead and go romping in the neighbours pasture.


Ok, he will cheat on you at the first opportunity, dump his arse and find a new boyfriend.

- TaintedJ - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

Either start putting out more, or break up. More sex or hit the road.
And college students are still young and dumb. A great example, I know a college student who is irked that her boyfriend made comments on facebook. Pretty dumb.
Don't waste time and energy with complaints. Part of the solution, or part of the problem.

- Becky 31 - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

that's an, he's a prick, he's not single,, sorry! boys can be bloody cunts sometimes, maybe he wil change er not, if he doesn't, that sucks, i would break up with him

- BluShado - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

I would be. But you should think about it: Is this something new? Or is this just how he is. You should ask him.

- Word - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

He might be doing that to let you know he likes nice legs

I like nice high heels, and I was tempted to comment on this girl's pic of her high heels, 'cause I knew my gf would see it.. and maybe she'd get the hint that I wanna see her in some nice heels...

But I figured that would be in poor taste, and didn't want to get myself in the doghouse, so I didn't comment that pic.

At any rate.. just because I'm with her, doesn't mean I suddenly don't find other girls attractive. I'm sure she still finds other guys attractive, and I'm sure you still do too. I don't compliment women on FB only because I know she'll get mad! But I do in person.. However, even though I still compliment women, I still stay faithful and loyal to my girlfriend. Other girls are attractive, but she's the only one I want to be with. And I better be the only one she wants to be with too!

He doesn't have any common sense, so you needa snap some in him.

- XxxSmaLLzxxX - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

i think you should. Wait a while watch out for him and see if he stares at other women or not, or if he still makes complements to girls facebook. If he does I say its time to move onn.