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How do i convince my mom to unground me? - Printable Version

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How do i convince my mom to unground me? - Tyler - 11-09-2012 06:11 PM

Today (1/28/11) I was close to getting arrested for accidentally "threatening." This kids life on Facebook. When i got home, my mom grounded me yet again (grounded a few days previously)
and made me delete my facebook for my bad language.(Ass, Damn, Fuck.)

How can i convince my mom to unground me and let me have my Facebook back? Hellpp!

- Brandy Zachary - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

Sadly, as a kid there is no way to change a parents mind once it has been made. They tend to lighten up once you hit 17 or 18.

The only advice I can offer you is to just suck it up and be on your best behavior. Maybe do a few things around the house to 'suck up' like take out the trash or help fold clothes or dishes. Do it in a way that is not flashing a neon sign above your head "LOOK MOM IM SUCKING UP!" but like you are really just doing it because it needs to be done.

As for the facebook, give it a while. A few days to a week and then ask your mom if you could please have a facebook again. If she says no, don't get mad or 'argue' with her, just leave it at that and say ok. Parents always say you are arguing with them if you try to reason with them. Besides, you can always make one at a friends house without her knowing anyway. lol

- animemangaholic - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

Take your punishment like a man, learn from your mistake, then don't make anymore and your mom won't punish you as much

not an answer to your question, but its good advice