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When I'm on facebook how can I stop my mom from seeing my posts? - Printable Version

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When I'm on facebook how can I stop my mom from seeing my posts? - ndgsk8 - 11-09-2012 06:11 PM

My mom is always on facebook seeing my posts. I want a way for her not to see my posts, but appear in her friends list. She is always on facebook so I once tried to delete her and I got in trouble. I also want to make it where she cant see my facebook posts or recent activity. But she needs to see me in her friends list.

- Kellie C - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

Go into your privacy settings and put her on the list that can't see your posts.

- Sidney - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

Tell her to go f**k herself and delete her. Anyway why is there a computer in your kitchen?

- Jules - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

This is really simple. I'm assuming you're on a computer rather than a mobile site, but of you are then this is even easier!

First, go to your Privacy settings, underneath the arrow in the right corner of your Facebook news feed. Find where it gives the options for your "Default Privacy". Change it to Custom. Then, pick your preferred "friends" or "friends of friends". Type in your mother's name in the space for friends to hide from. And then save your changes! (:

This will automatically set each post, whether from the desktop or mobile site, to hide from your Mother. If there's anything you DO want her to see then, you can simply change the settings for that post. Click on the little circle..screw thing..don't know what it's called the bottom right of your post(or sometime it's in a different place) and then select either Friends or Friends of Friends again.

And that's all there is to it! (:

- Stefany - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

You can go to click on your moms pic and unfriend her and unsubscribe from her. Once you take her off your facebook page she cannot read your page. You will also have to change your email address and password on facebook.

- Angel T - 11-09-2012 06:19 PM

block her lol i blocked my family