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How to get this boy to like me? - Printable Version

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How to get this boy to like me? - Elle Xx - 10-02-2012 10:47 AM

Okay so I walk home with these year 10 boys (I am in year 9) so they're obviously a little older.

Anyway, I really wanna get one of them to like me, I have stalked him on twitter a bit to see his interests and everything and he seems pretty cool, just, I mean, how can I make him see me like that? I mean, he's not mega mature or anything, if anything, him and his friends talk about the most awkward sexual things and ask me sexual questions but I really wanna get this boy to like me!! Any help???

- LoveNeverDies(L) - 10-02-2012 10:55 AM

Be yourself, don't try to be someone your not.. it doesn't workSmile Let hime like you on his own terms otherwise the relationship wont work out!! If you walk home with them, they obviously already like you as a friend.. half way there!

- Emma - 10-02-2012 10:55 AM

If you want this boy to like you be yourself,
ask quiestions to him, like what he's into,
try and add him on facebook or talk online to him, to make it less awkward and easier, then talk to him in person