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How do I talk to people on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How do I talk to people on Twitter? - MJFanXX - 10-02-2012 10:50 AM

I just joined Twitter, but I have no idea how to talk to people!! Help!

- Katie in Germany - 10-02-2012 10:58 AM

You can talk to me, my name is.....KatieGermany ..... Katie :-)

- tatumn76 - 10-02-2012 10:58 AM

you can only send messages. It's more like an announcement page.

- hiphopluva24 - 10-02-2012 10:58 AM

you use the "@" symbol follwed by their name to reply/ talk to them
for example @girlwonder24 I like you background picture
Or if you are friends with someone you and send them a DM or direct message that no one else sees in comparison to the open @ message everyone sees

- quietbat864 - 10-02-2012 10:58 AM

you can reply to someone by clicking on the little reply button on one of their posts