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how to talk to a girl you like for the first time on facebook? - Printable Version

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how to talk to a girl you like for the first time on facebook? - gatorman44 - 11-09-2012 06:15 PM

So I am friends with this girl on facebook. I have never talked to her, but she is gorgeous so I want to get to know her and ask her out. I don't know how to begin talking to her with out looking like a creep. Plus I have never really been good at closing the deal when it comes to asking gorgeous girls out. What should I do.

- GuitarKat - 11-09-2012 06:24 PM

Just say hi. Really. I'd be just fine if somebody randomly said hi to me on Facebook. Start a convo. If it seems like she likes you, compliment her. If she isn't weirded out by that, wait a bit and then ask her for her number. If she gives it to you, you're in! Good luck! Big Grin

- Ted - 11-09-2012 06:24 PM

Pretend you have the most impressive junk in the whole world. Maybe you already do. You know what I mean.

Just be confident, and most importantly, be yourself, as cliche as that sounds, it's true. You don't want to pretend you have the same favorite band as her and end up not knowing any songs. If she doesn't appreciate your combined confidence and truthfulness to yourself, then she's not worth your time.

- J$ - 11-09-2012 06:24 PM

This is exactly how I met my girlfriend (she's a babe.)

Here's what you do:

1.) Like some of her posts. Especially things that might make her think that you and she may have talked about that thing. But be honest. Like them because they are good. If she's a boring slag, don't bother.
2.) See if she responds.
3.) When she responds message her back. Make sure that she knows that you're cool and awesome and that she is someone you really need to get to know more - preferably in person. See if she has anything she likes to do (read her facebook profile) and be charming and flirty.
4.) If it says "in a relationship" then you shouldn't ask her about it. wait until the 4th date and just kind of let her mention it. And then be cool about it, because it's clear that she's going to be yours now.
5.) Don't send her any detailed invitation right off the bat. Wait for her to ask you out. Or say that you might be at some place on a Wednesday night and give her your phone number in case she wants to go - or say that she could give you hers and then you could call her if the place is cool. But honestly, it's best if she asks you out.
6.) Don't assume anything, but if she brings you a pie, you're in.
7.) Fall in love.
8.) Move in together.
9.) Kick it with each other in your loft while the dog takes a nap and answer questions on Yahoo! Answers together.
10.) kisses and laughter.

Right, well... Oh shit - I forgot, grow a beard if she's down.

- Kirk - 11-09-2012 06:24 PM

Am I really the only one the feels compeled to ask some questions about this?

I'm not trying to be mean. But I just need to know.

Do you even know this chick other than facebook? Does maybe....she....know people that you know at all or is this just some random chick?

If this is some random chick then Sorry bro, but it doesnt matter what you do it's creepy, shit it was creepy from the moment that someone from Maine added someone from Utah that has no mutual friends......

I want to believe that this is someone that you can actually meet and get to someone that maybe you go to school with, or has some of the same friends that you do. If that's the case then just say hey. The best thing that you can do is just strike up a small conversation. If you go to school with her bring up something that happened at school that you know she knows about so you have something that you can talk about. Mostly tho man, I would establish some sort of....for lack of better words..."getting to know each other" before you ask her out. Besides what if you when you talk to her all she wants to talk about is small dogs that fit into cute lil purses and designer clothes (no offense) lol.

Be yourself set up communication and if eventually you two decide that you like talking to each other then see about hanging out in person, with a group of friends at first or something.