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How can I find my birth father for free, I am adopted? - Printable Version

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How can I find my birth father for free, I am adopted? - and so the lion fell in love with the lamb - 11-09-2012 06:16 PM

I was adopted 10 years ago and I was put in foster care when I was four years old. I am now eighteen and I am legally able to find my birth father. I lost all contact to him when I was six. I can't afford the websites that they have out there to find him so I need your help to find some websites for free. It would help me so much, I don't know much about him and I really want to get to know him.


- Mountian_Baby - 11-09-2012 06:25 PM

Use the internet.

First google his name. See f you can get any phone numbers to try and contatct him.

Search his name on Facebook AND Myspace. Ask questions and so on to see if it is the right guy.

I wish you all the best of luck in your search. I hope he is a good guy worhty of knowing you.

- H - 11-09-2012 06:25 PM

You can find this information anywhere, even on genealogy websites and "how to" sites.

1. Go to the library. Libraries subscribe to many websites to add to their databases. By having a library card, you have access to these genealogy databases/websites for free. You can also see what they have in the stacks. Ask a librarian for help and tell them what you are looking for.

2. Do not pay any money to people search websites or genealogy websites...the people search ones steal a lot of their information and you don't know what you have until you pay their fees...and then the information is wrong.

3. Go to the website or in person at City Hall/Country Courthouse of the last state, county or city that your father lived in. Go to the Public Records department and tell them who you are searching for. Since it's public record, it is free (in most states). The only thing you may have to pay for is paper copies if you want them...and that fee will be minimal.

4. Go to various genealogy websites. Most have free searches and can at least get you started. Some can even provide you with limited records. Many have free trials but they ask for a credit card and you need to stay on top of the end date of the trial period or else they will charge your credit card.

5. Go to which is one of the largest genealogy databases in the world. It is operated by the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) and covers families/records from any culture, country or religion. The info is free. You can also look up the Mormon churches in your area...they often have genealogy chapter houses with staff that will help you look up records.

6. Go to the genealogy section of Yahoo Answers and see if they have anymore suggestions.