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Has technology brought us closer together, or made intimacy with others harder? - Printable Version

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Has technology brought us closer together, or made intimacy with others harder? - bluedaisygirl - 11-09-2012 06:21 PM

Just wondering what people's thoughts are. With all the technology now - iphones, constant internet access, constant texting with friends/family, has it really made us closer and made it easier to make connections with others... or do you think it pushes us further away from really connecting with others? I've noticed I don't talk to friends on the phone as much anymore, we mostly just text... but texting is so much less personal than face-to-face contact or talking on the phone. What are your thoughts?

- Raul - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

the other and the first...the first is that technology brought mafia clientele together to rule us and dived us,good luck!

- lucinda - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

I think it's given people poor communication skills ECT. So I would say it's made intimacy harder. People don't actually want to be as intimate now.

Please answer my question, I have no answers for it yet;_ylt=AoH0VvcnoYQdfDK.N3iMcyXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110213220604AAE1DCi

- Luckyquilt194 - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

ITs done both. Technology has become a friend and an enemy at the same time. Everything has its time and proper place. Technology has played a major roll in tearing families apart. I have noticed at times in my family for example that when the computer is down for repair, my family becomes much more active together. However it does make it nice to talk to some friends who have accepted a job teaching English in Twain.

- Skunk - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

its split us apart think before in the past before when even phones were new we all had to work together so hard to do what is now the most basic of tasks

- Julia - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

i think its made things superficial and people are a lot ruder now.... they say rude things in email and text that they would never have the nerve to say to your face. It makes people blunt because you can't SEE the reaction of the recipient.

- A P - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

I think people were much more connected in smaller groups when their only entertainment was the participation in story telling, singing, and dancing after a hard days work in the fields; perhaps around a camp fire, or sheltering from the bitter winter in their humble homes. The number of acquaintances were much fewer of course without telephones and computers, but their true friends, and in a few cases enemies, would have been much closer.

- leeman27534 - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

when we were still fighting for dominance as a race, we had to rely on each other explicitly, and it was easier, cause there was only a small number of people in groups at the time, everyone relyed on each other. then we dominated the wildlife, and the enviroment. now there is thousands, millions livingin a city, and no one hardly knows each other. everyone has their little groups, but they don't really "know" most of them all too well. how many friends can you say you know their favorite color? we rarely see our group face to face, dont get real social interaction, over half of language is body language. but we never see each other.

- Sephy - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

Both, technology has definitely made communication easier, though it has made intimacy with others difficult. Frankly, I don't understand why people would rather text than give the other person a call. These new advances have probably created a more timid generation. When technology was not at such a peak, people were forced to communicate firsthand. Now that we have the option, people seem to prefer hiding behind the computer screen to talk and text until your thumbs fall off. It's sad, really, where we have all ended up as a whole.

For example, I was talking to an old elementary school on Facebook a long time ago. We were texting and what not for quite a while. School then resumed and he pretended he didn't even know me--didn't even acknowledge that we were even in the same class. He made eye contact with me, what?--one time? See what I mean? While material objects like computers and phones are vital elements of everyday life, they may be destroying what makes us human and take us further from a more simple reality.

- Private <}:-}) - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

The only way to separate some people
is using a "crow-bar." <}:-})