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Why is it that people who like to complain about their friend's statuses on facebook and accuse them of? - Printable Version

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Why is it that people who like to complain about their friend's statuses on facebook and accuse them of? - Sweet tea Fanatic - 11-09-2012 06:23 PM

complaining about their problems in life act all hypocritical because they are doing the same thing? The thing is if you don't like what your friend posts, unsubscribe from their posts or put them on limited profile where you can't see what they post, or delete them, but complaining about their posts doesn't solve anything. If you don't like what they say or post, don't read it. Its easy as that. They shouldn't have to do their post or status to please you.

- Zestfully Clean - 11-09-2012 06:31 PM

Because some people take Facebook way too seriously. I had a friend delete me on Facebook for a while because of a status update I posted. It was a lighthearted joke, and this girl knows my sense of humor, but somehow took offense to it, deleted me and didn't talk to me a for a few days. I still don't even know why she was so bothered by it, but that's just how Facebook is.. it's easy to misinterpret something over the internet.

- Kayliana - 11-09-2012 06:31 PM

I think that technology has evolved faster than our ability to learn how to be mature about it or cope with it, to be honest. I hate social networking and only have Facebook to keep access to my father's page, since he passed away early 2010. It is convenient for sending messages, but I rarely post status updates.

People I get along with just fine off the internet I can't stand on Facebook, so I just don't really add people unless they're very close friends or family. I got tired of the Farmville requests and the game spam and then people getting mad if I didn't respond after like an hour because I wasn't joined at the hip to the network site (and don't have access on it on my phone so I can only check it when I'm online).

I'm hoping over the next few years we'll start to see people learning from what works and what doesn't and not plastering everything they think on the internet. I've seen a lot of people complain or have fights because of a site designed to keep people in touch and updated, and that makes me sad. So I just steer clear of it as much as possible to prevent issues from the web overflowing into real life. A lot of people use Facebook like a diary, and that's up to them.

The main reason, though, I thnk people don't unsubscribe or remove them is because sometimes those same people will get very mad or offended if you don't read everything or they find out they were removed. But that's the great thing about free speech. You're free to say whatever, and I'm free to not like it! Wink