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How much would you have to hate your EX in order to unfriend them on facebook? - Printable Version

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How much would you have to hate your EX in order to unfriend them on facebook? - Hazel - 11-09-2012 06:23 PM

So my ex unfriended me on facebook about a month after he dumped me. This makes no sense to me because he dumped me because we never had enough time to see each other. So does this mean that he hates me that badly? I would've never thought of unfriending him just because we broke up...or is he doing this to help himself move on??? I mean, he has a new girlfriend. I just don't see the logic behind this...

- The Beast - 11-09-2012 06:32 PM

get over it. its just facebook.

- Tigerus - 11-09-2012 06:32 PM

I would do it in a heartbeat because I don't use and hate facebook.

Sounds overall like too much bull and drama to be healthy. Move on.

- Michael H - 11-09-2012 06:32 PM

I would delete them at first thought. They very well may just think you're taking a hiatus from the site and/or internet because of your despair. Granted, I don't know the EX and I don't know their personality. But, I do know strategy and the overall thought process of many human beings. So, it's just a thought but I don't worry so much about the excusable jokes of Facebook. Truly, in the end, are we really going to care what we did on Facebook, such as adding or ignoring a Facebook friend? No.

- Greg N - 11-09-2012 06:32 PM

I would think of someone "hated" their ex at all they would delete them as a friend.

Don't be too concerned about his unfriending you. There's various reasons why he might do that, and it's his choice in any event. You can only control your end of things. Should he have unfriended you? I don't know. But the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter because you need to move on anyway so maybe it's a good thing. After all, let him be the rude one while you take the classy route of standing tall.

I bet there's at least 30 people who know me personally and "hate" me for their own reasons. That's their problem, not mine. I can't worry about such things as long as I know I've done nothing wrong or can't control what they are upset about. I also don't bother trying to figure out their logic because my own logic tells me that sometimes other people are ignorant no matter what I do.