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How do I stop my facebook addiction? - Printable Version

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How do I stop my facebook addiction? - Ncshowgirl14 - 11-09-2012 06:28 PM

Im on Facebook EVERYDAY! These days its boring but Im still on it anyways, most days I check it every 30 minutes unless Im asleep... What are some ways to stay off facebook & avoid it. I dont want to delete it just yet, I need options or else I will make a new one!

- swtmelon012 - 11-09-2012 06:37 PM

throw away your computer!

- Flora L - 11-09-2012 06:37 PM

You can always just disable it for awhile. I don't think anyone could give you a straight answers for this one. Everyone have different ways to quit and it's up to you to find out what can make you stop using it. For me is keeping myself busy, determine what come first, and what purpose does facebook really serve you. I only use facebook to keep track on others (see if they still alive Smile I got relative and friends all over the world) and play games but those doesn't take 30 mins per day to do so. Limit yourself to play facebook when you really have free time. Try to arrange your time so you won't waste it on just one thing. Go outside, talk to people, create project that you always want to do it but too lazy to even try beforeSmile