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How does a disconnected introverted aspiring writer get over the fear of Facebook and rejection? - Printable Version

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How does a disconnected introverted aspiring writer get over the fear of Facebook and rejection? - mrs jady - 11-09-2012 06:29 PM

Should the writer start two separate Facebook accounts--one to help reconnect with estranged family,friends and real-life non-literary former co-workers, and the other for networking with other writers and authors?

- Mango Ipod - 11-09-2012 06:37 PM

ask yourself why you are afraid of these things. Serious Facebook? its a social network site just an extension of real social life only by means of computers. Are you afraid of meeting these people and talking in real life? if no whats the problem with facebook?

Rejection, Look at it this way. Every no is a step closer to success in what ever you are trying to succeed in

- Daydream_Angel - 11-09-2012 06:37 PM

I would think Facebook is the best way to communicate for introverts, web rejection is nothing compared to face to face rejection - it's a face saver, and you can send the people that rejected you spam, viruses or chain letters! It's easier than slashing a tire.