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How to cope with the people closest to you doing you wrong? - Printable Version

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How to cope with the people closest to you doing you wrong? - ANGELxx - 11-09-2012 06:30 PM

It all happened at once. My ex boyfriend of a year robbed me then just deaded me, cut all ties acted as if i meant nothing. My best friend of 15 years got a boyfriend and completely pushed me away . Her and her boyfriend turned on me and made statuses on facebook calling me a hoe and suc things. I feel like i lost everything all at once

- humynism - 11-09-2012 06:38 PM

You have lost nothing.

If they could act this way to you then you never had anything in the first place. It was all an illusion. So, since you had nothing, there is nothing to feel sorrow for except the fact that you are the only true person in any of these relationships. They are to be pitied, you are full of love and life; something they don't have. You walk away richer with all you need to start again, and they walk away empty and soulless.

- LOWkEY - 11-09-2012 06:38 PM

DON'T FEEL BAD I'VE BEEN THERE. JUST TRUST NOBODY N SHOW NO LOVE . FUCK THEMM. Especially ur frend. Ihate bitches like that n karmas a bitch so don't trp.