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What are your views on facebooks decision to remove breastfeeding pictures from the site? - Printable Version

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What are your views on facebooks decision to remove breastfeeding pictures from the site? - R T Fischall - 11-09-2012 06:31 PM

Right here's one article, many abound, bad mistake or keeping the weirdo's at bay?
Views tvm.
just me: oh yes, but its a current event also, and since it didn't come up when I typed in the question, its done now.

- mo3_lys - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

keeps weirdo's away from people

- WENDEL HOMES - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

What is OBSCENE is Face-books about face move on nature,
TWO faced if you get my meaning who the heck are they to deem motherhood obscene.

- flathoney875 - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

No, I don't think it was a bad mistake. It keeps weirdos and perverts away.

Edit: what i do think was a bad mistake was creating Facebook in the first place. It's caused nothing but problems since it's existed, and we only hear bad things about it in the news, never anything good.

- Mmmmm - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

Good. Iy does keep them away.
There is no ethics or morals these days.

- Michael B - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

There is nothing wrong with breasts or with breastfeeding. My wife and daughters all fed their babies themselves, when necessary in public. This never seemed to cause offence, nor were they pestered by sex-starved idiots trying to get a free peep.

Which uptight clown thought up this ban?

- Zorak - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

Its their website. They should be allowed to ban whatever they please from it. If you build a webpage on Facebook it still belongs to them, they can delete it for whatever reason they like.

- Mrs. Moist to be - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

That's ridiculous. You can only see pictures that people post on Facebook if you have them added as a friend. It's not like myspace where you have the option to make yourself private to strangers or not: You ARE private unless there's an add-and-accept process.
So, only friends and family will see the breastfeeding pictures.

There is nothing lewd or obscene about breastfeeding.

- Meilien - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

Firstly, while many people consider public breast feeding to be OK, other's consider it to be inappropriate, and if you fail to take their feelings and sensitivities into account then you are being intolerant, and that kind of intolerance has little place in this modern age.

Secondly, many people's kids use Facebook. And you can't have that kind of image just popping up on a family friendly site. Sure breasts are natural, but so are penises, and all kinds of things, you have to draw the boundaries somewhere, especially when kids are involved.

The removal of these images is not a comment on breast feeding or on motherhood, and anybody who says that it is needs to take a reality check. It's purely about having an image of a woman with her shirt off. If Facebook let this one slide it's only a matter of time before people abuse the site. How about adult breast feeding, or breastfeeding as a form of porn? If Facebook don't draw a line somewhere then there will be abuses.

- shallowveil949 - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

What kinda woman would wanna post herself breastfeeding her baby anyway? There are a lotta weirdo's who post the most God-awful stuff online. FOR WHATEVER REASON THEY HAVE!
I'd guess Facebook is just protecting itself from being sued.